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The Vanguards of Viridor

This blog is dedicated to the novels in the Vanguards of Viridor series. These are novels where handsome gay men, many of whom possess extraordinary and fantastical powers, engage in heroic, often romantic adventures in their quest to defeat evildoers in the magical kingdom of Viridor.  The Sun Guardian - Book One The King's Whisper - Book Two The Guildmaster - Book Three Available in paperback @Amazon and wherever eBooks are sold.

New Collection of Short Stories Coming Soon

Things are not going according to plan, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I had an outline set up for the next three books in the Vanguard Series, to work on once the initial trilogy was completed, and I'd even written the first forty thousand words of the first draft. But...sometimes, you need to stretch your legs and work on something different. I felt almost like I was in a writing rut, so after receiving an inspiring gift from a friend, I followed that inspiration into a fresh, new project, something to get me excited. It was a book about Ancient Greece--something that has been a semi-obsession of mine for the past year (and a previous love of my childhood). Thanks to a slew of Mary Renault books and a little something called Assassin's Creed Odyssey, not to mention a handful of excellent fanfiction AUs set in the era, I couldn't get Greece out of my head. Getting the reference book was the last push I needed to make the decision: Vanguards needed to be on h...

Free on Smashwords

The Sun Guardian is now available for FREE on Smashwords. Follow this link  to start the adventure! 


I should have posted this two weeks ago, but I got swept up in the excitement and new stresses of finishing The Guildmaster. At last! It is done, available in paperback and kindle, and I am so glad. Merric, I love you, but if I had to hear you complain about your dad one more time, I was going to write you up some sort of punishment. Or not. You've suffered enough. Anyway, it's weird because before a book is published, all your energy goes into making sure it's the best it can be, etc. And the moment it's published, all your concentration shifts to "Who can I get to read this behemoth and leave a review??" Luckily, I had some contacts from The Sun Guardian, a few reviewers who'd read and posted about it on their websites. So I wrote them and received some interest. Just got my first review for The King's Whisper last week from Gay Book Reviews and they liked it! I rejoiced! For five minutes. Then I started fretting over whether they would like The Gu...


Yesterday, my editor and I finished revisions for the book, so editing is finally done (!!!) and we've moved on to the formatting stage. This is the best part, because the book actually starts looking like a book, and pictures and art are added, etc. As a result, I've been cooing over how cute Quinn and Merric are all morning. First, we finish the paperback version and send out for a proof. Second, we get the kindle version done. Third, there's probably wine involved. So close now, I can taste the Viridorian Sea! More updates soon. -T.S.

Almost there...

Currently working on the EPILOGUE of book three. Then the read aloud bit. THEN the formatting and publishing. THEN THEN the cheering and being done and being able to take a breather and remember what "outside" is like. I think there are trees involved, but I can't be sure. This editing process has been...a lot. But it takes as long as it takes, and it'll be worth it when I can publish it without cringing over plot holes. It should be worth the wait to readers, too, as you'll be getting your money's worth of story; it's well over the length of the first and second Vanguard books. That's a lot of pining and naked pirate, let me tell you. Here's another art sample. Some very skilled stuff right there...ahem. (I do what I can, okay?) IT IS WHAT IT IS. If the universe is at all kind, editing should be done by the end of this week, and next week can be devoted to getting this OUT THERE. But no promises. It only leads to frustration and heart ac...

The throes and woes of a final draft!

I've been working hard with my editor, trying to make The Guildmaster the best it can possibly be. There have been a few hang ups, but it's looking like smooth sailing from here on out. Ha. I can't really give an accurate guess of when the third Vanguard book will be finished, but I'm HOPING for an April release. In the meantime, Merric is tapping his foot at me and rolling his eyes impatiently. I know, Merric. I feel your pain. Just hang in there. Here's a picture of a baby goat, while you wait. It may or may not have anything to do with our next adventure. Bye for now!

Second Draft Complete

As of ten minutes ago, the second draft of The Guildmaster is finished! I have patted myself on the back for less typos than I'd anticipated, but fully expect to find a thousand more when I start my last read-through. If the editing gods are on my side, the final draft should be completed by the end of the year, if not sooner. I can't wait to share the newest story from Viridor!

First Draft Finished!

Somewhere in Viridor, Merric McClintock is happy at last, and that's because I've just finished the first draft of his story. The Guildmaster will be the third book in the Vanguards of Viridor series, and I think it's my favorite yet. After taking some time off to rest my eyes (why are computers so bright?) I'll be diving back in for edits and artwork.